St. James

St. James
St. James above the special anniversary door of the cathedral in Santiago

Friday, July 9, 2010


Home and Final Thoughts (July 6th)

Well, we are headed back home to friends and family and to things that are familiar. We made it through the metro and across the sprint through (seemingly) the entire breadth of the Madrid airport to get to our terminal and gate in time.

Part of me looks forward to somethings and hates to leave behind others. Same with Stella. I suppose that is the same with any trip, and especially a grand adventure. In the last couple of days, starting on the bus back to Madrid, we started keeping a list of things will not miss from here and things we are looking forward to getting back to. I will also add a list of things that I WILL miss.

Things We Will NOT Miss:
Steep inclines and steps, up or down
Heavy backpacks
(I finally weighed mine at the airport - it's pretty equivalent to what I was carrying the days I carried it all, about 2/3 of the time: 23 lbs!)

Sleeping with 7 - 119 other people
Push-button showers of varying temperatures
Handwashing cloths (chamois!)
Big plates of french fries
Iceberg lettuce
Lights on timers in toilets
Thick, mucky mud that clings to boots
Fine, dusty dirt that penetrates boots
Blisters on feet
Cow/horse/sheep manure on path

Things We're Looking Forward To:
Loved Ones (including the furry ones)
Hair dryers
Washing machines
Other clothes to choose from
Wider food selections (and healthier food)
Our own beds and sleeping through the night
No leg cramps
Real towels and wash cloths
Clean sheets
Not worrying about bedbugs
Toilet paper, paper towels & soap in public restrooms
Availability of public restrooms

Things I Will Miss:
Being outdoors all day everyday (except in bad weather)
A new view all the time
Meeting new people constantly
Hearing the stories of people and places
Enjoying the moment (it's harder in a daily routine)
Feeling strong
Listening to different languages
Being away from the everyday busyness
Trying new things
Having time just dedicated to resting in God
Meeting a challenge
Alemandrado Blanco and not feeling guilty 'cuz I've earned it!
Sharing an adventure of a lifetime with friends

Finally, thank you to Stella and Mary who said yes to this adventure and who made it possible. Thank you to all of you who followed along on this blog as eratic as it was, given the unavailability of computers and wifi. Thank you to everyone who supported us with your prayers and other kinds of support, and you know who you are. Thank you. This trip is a gift I will treasure always.

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